HK International Motomachi

English immersion形式
(教室内はすべて英語だけ での保育・遊び)

“Baby Roo” Class begins in October (age 1 ~2.5)

What is Baby Roo class • • •
Baby Roo class, which has been postponed for a long time due to the pandemic, will resume. This class is an opportunity for parents and children to learn songs, dances, picture books, etc. from a native foreign teacher with the purpose of early input of beautiful sounds.

Baby Rooクラスとは・・・パンデミックで長らく延期しておりました、ベビークラスが再び開講します。親子で一緒に、ネイティブ外国人講師より、歌やダンス、絵本などを綺麗な音で早期インプットすることを目的としたクラスです。
The younger a child is when they are exposed to the sounds of a new language the better their chance of learning that language in the future. A child's ears are ready to accept sounds from any language on earth when they are born, but after a time the brain begins to glean unnecessary brain cells - such as the sounds of English or French or Korean or any other language which are not necessary for speaking Japanese. These unnecessary parts are allowed to die as the brain goes about the work of making synapses that ARE necessary for survival in the child's daily life. In order to keep these parts we simply need to keep them in working order and that is why living with a new lan-guage in "immersion" is an extremely efficient way to learn.

Ed.M. in Education, Harvard University Major in Mind Brain, and Education Principal, Marin Burch
