HK International Motomachi

English immersion形式
(教室内はすべて英語だけ での保育・遊び)


今年もサマースクールの季節がやってきました。既に外部生のお問い合わせも頂いております。 週ごとにテーマを設け、1週分でも4週分でもご参加いただけます。入学金は不要です。 インターナショナルプリスクールってどんなところ?・ […]

Some of us are learning to play with Japanese けん玉.(2024年6月6日)

These days it rains a lot, but there are many fine days also and then we can go to the park! Some of us are le […]

On May 24 we went to the Nogeyama Zoo.(2024年5月24日)

On May 24 we went to the Nogeyama Zoo. The weather was fine and we could see many interesting animals. We play […]

It’s April and here that means a new school year has begun.(2024年4月12日)

It’s April and here that means a new school year has begun. Our first task this week was to tell about ourselv […]

Spring School(2024年3月28日)

On the last two days of our special Spring School class in March, we went to the park to play games in the sun […]

Setsubun (2024年2月2日)

Today we celebrated Setsubun, which is sometimes rather strangely referred to in English as “Bean Throwi […]

Yesterday we celebrated Winnie-the-Pooh Day!(2024年1月20日)

Yesterday we celebrated Winnie-the-Pooh Day! We made party hats to wear and heard about and watched Winnie the […]


Wow! It’s already December 1st! So today, some of us started decorating for year-end, Christmas, and wha […]


A study in Psychological Science shows how conversation — the interplay between a parent or caregiver and a ch […]


私たちはどうして寝るのでしょうか? なぜ私たちは眠らなければならないのでしょうか? ほとんどの人は、自分の体と心を休めるために眠るのだと答えるでしょう。 これはほとんど真実ではありません。睡眠は非活動的な時間ではありませ […]